Creating Course Leaders Program
This page is your access to Leadership Course materials that will support you in preparing yourself to lead the Leadership Course.
The first section will be useful to you when speaking about the Leadership Course with those from whom you might need approval.
For Speaking With Others About The Course
Student Interviews
Carolyne White gives her permission for you to show this video of Marsha to anyone you wish to promote your leadership course to in your university.
You may download this video to your device through this link: Rutgers Student Interview – Marsha
Pete Saunders
You may download this video to your device through this link: Bermuda Leadership Course Student Interview – Pete Saunders
Tucker Moor
You may download this video to your device through this link: Bermuda Leadership Course Student Interview – Tucker Moor
Harvard Handbook For Teaching Leadership
Abstract for “Creating Leaders” from Harvard Business School’s Handbook for Teaching Leadership
The entire Chapter 16 “Creating Leaders” from Harvard Business School’s Handbook for Teaching Leadership is available for download at SSRN:
For Leading The Course
Slide Deck
Please contact Jeri Echeverria if you need an editable slide deck.
Course Leader Preparation and Training
Curriculum and Faculty Handbook
Leadership Series: The Foundation (5 Part Series)
Leadership Series: The Foundation (15 Part Series)
Promise of the Course: A Foundation for Having A Great Life
Invite sharing on what a great life looks like (to them – don’t comment)
Introduce some basics for the Course to work for them:
- Knowing vs discovering
- The course works if you draw it to you; if you engage
Establish some relatedness by having each student say a few things about themselves (introductions including name, where from, major, etc.)
Organizational aspects of the course (syllabus, assignments, grading, etc.)
- Reading the Slides
- (Slides 13 & 14 in LS 1 Already-Always Listening Deck deal with reading slides out loud)
- Promises, Conditions, Rules of Game (should appear in course syllabus)
- Set up Groups for students to work in throughout Course
Assignment: Weekly Reflections
- Provide students with “a what, by when and where to send’ Reflections
- Promise students “by when” you will respond to their Reflections
- Suggested topic for 1st Reflections: What does a great life look like to you?
Assignment: have them notice how they listen to people they “like” vs. People who “bug them”
Sharing from last week (probably minimal)
Already-Always Listening Slide Deck (use LS 1 Already-Always Listening & LS 1 Timing Plan here)
Break Out Groups During Session or Offline Group Assignments at End of Session
Assignment: Weekly Reflections
Sharing from Already-Always Listening
Already-Always Listening is a Context and when A-A-Listening, we are used by a Context
Authentic Listening (use LS 2 Authentic Listening & LS 2 Timing Plan here)
Break Out Groups During Session or Offline Group Assignments at End of Session
Assignment: Weekly Reflections
Sharing from Authentic Listening
Speech Acts (use LS 3 Speech Acts & LS 3 Timing Plan here)
Break Out Groups During Session or Offline Group Assignments at End of Session
Assign Pre-Classroom Reading #4 (the Rotman interview with Michael Jensen on Integrity)
Assignment: Weekly Reflections
Sharing from Speech Acts
Integrity – Model of Integrity; Definitions of Word: and Honoring Your Word
(use Slides 1 through 21 of LS 4 Integrity Slide Deck here & stop at Factors Contributing and see LS 4 Timing Plan)
Break Out Groups During Session or Offline Group Assignments at End of Session
Assignment: Weekly Reflections
Sharing from Integrity, Part 1
Factors Contributing to the Veil of Invisibility (Integrity, Part 2)
(use Slides 21 – 50 of LS 4 Integrity Slide Deck and LS 4 Timing Plan)
Break Out Groups During Session or Offline Group Assignments at End of Session
Assignment: Weekly Reflections
Assign each student to restore their integrity with at least one person or one group of people this week. Let them know they will be asked to share a specific out of integrity behavior and what they did to “clean up the mess” it created.
Sharing from Student Assignment
Where is Your Word When IT Comes Time to Keep Your Word? (use LS 5 Where is Your Word Slide Deck and LS 5 Timing Plan)
Break Out Groups During Session or Offline Group Assignments at End of Session
Assignment: Weekly Reflections
Alternative: Since it’s close to middle of term, one could give a midterm assignment here or midterm assessment, which could be written or verbally presented in Week 8.
Sharing on anything that has opened up in the Course so far
Instructor could bring instances of Integrity or lack thereof related to the professor’s area of discipline (news articles, business journals, etc.) Reminder: carefully select material that will support the Model of Integrity used in the Leadership Course and relate the Model of Integrity to the “real world”.
Assignment: Weekly Reflections
Sharing on anything that has opened up in the Course so far
Authenticity (use LS 6 Authenticity Slide Deck and LS 6 Timing Plan here)
Break Out Groups During Session or Offline Group Assignments at End of Session
Assign each student to practice being authentic about their inauthenticities. Have them be authentic about at least 3 inauthenticities with another human being (with whom they’re being inauthentic) Come back ready to share the one that most surprised them.
Assignment: Weekly Reflections
Have each student share at least one exchange with another human being in which they were authentic about their inauthenticities. Invite them to share what that looked like in the doing of it.
Deepen the discovery of “the road to authenticity is through our inauthenticities”
Assignment: Weekly Reflections
Assignment: Have each student inquire into what their schooling is about, what their (anticipated) career is about, and what their relationships are about. Let them know that each of them will be asked to share what has opened up in at least one of these areas in the next class.
Sharing on what has opened up regarding their schooling, their (anticipated) career, and/or their relationships.
Being Given Being and Action by Something Bigger Than …
(use LS 7 Something Bigger Slide Deck and LS 7 Timing Plan here)
Break Out Groups During Session or Offline Group Assignments at End of Session
Assignment: Have each student continue to look at what their life has been about, and what it is about.
Sharing from Being Given Being and Action by Something Bigger Than Yourself
Instructor could bring instances of Being Given Being and Action By Something Bigger Than You or lack thereof related to the professor’s area of discipline (news articles, business journals, etc.) Reminder: carefully select material that will support the Model of Integrity used in the Leadership Course and relate the Model of Integrity to the “real world”.
Break Out Groups During Session or Offline Group Assignments at End of Session
Being cause-In the Matter (use Slides 1 – 18 from LS 8 Slide Deck and LS 8 Timing Plan)
What are the Conditions You Are Dealing With? How are you relating to those Conditions?
What would it look like to be cause in the matter of that condition?
Sharing from Being Cause in the matter
Where in your life do you experience a lack of power?
Break Out Groups During Session or Offline Group Assignments at End of Session
Second Half of Class: The Foundation for Having a Great Life Provides One with Power
(use Slides 19 – 30 from LS 8 Slide Deck and LS 8 Timing Plan)
Note: You may want to adjust final/completion slides to more accurately reflect your course or possibly to set up time for a final exercise on Week 15)
Assign students to look at that area of their life where they said (before that they lack power. What do they now see about that area of their life?
Final: have each student offer a presentation to the whole group on one of the major topics presented in the Course (Four factors, Authentic Listening, Speech Acts, etc.) that made the most difference for them.
Note: depending on class size, you may need to have some reports in Week 14
UCLA 2018 Leadership Course